VEGAN vs ANIMAL FOODS | opposing perspectives
with kori meloy
in this EPISODE…
I sit down with my friend Kori Meloy to discuss our opposing views with veganism versus animal foods. We cover nutrition, ethics, and planetary health. We also cover navigating friendships with opposing views centered around respect and open heartedness.
If you’ve followed me for any amount of time you know that I l advocate for and live a whole foods plant-based vegan lifestyle. Kori advocates for a way of eating which includes plants and animal foods like raw dairy, organ meats, grass fed beef and eggs and is often called The Pro Metabolic lifestyle.
Kori’s reservations coming on the podcast and the types of messages she receives about having vegan friends
Navigating friendships with differing views
Nutrition: Where we find common and where we disagree
Can we be healthy and get everything we need from a plant exclusive diet?
the bioavailability of nutrition from plants versus animal foods
Saturated fat, is significant consumption of animal foods healthy or not?
LDL cholesterol and heart disease
Beta carotene and Vitamin A/ Retinol
Are nuts and seeds health promoting?
PUFAS and processed seed oils
Are all ethical vegans big animal lovers?
Is there an ethical way to eat animals?
Factory farming and animal exploitation
Planetery health: plant-based diets versus animal foods
Regenerative Grazing: Is it sustainable for the population?
Deforestation, ocean dead zones, water pollution and habitat destruction
CLICK HERE FOR EPISODE SOURCE REFERENCES (in description box of the YT video)